Twic commissioner says non-Dinka Ngok targeted in Abyei

The commissioner of Twic County in Warrap State on Wednesday said that the security situation in his county is stable but worried that non-Dinka Ngok living in the Abyei area were being targeted after Anet clashes last week.


The commissioner of Twic County in Warrap State on Wednesday said that the security situation in his county is stable but worried that non-Dinka Ngok living in the Abyei area were being targeted after Anet clashes last week.

Commissioner Deng Tong Goch said, “The security situation in Twic County is stable, humanitarian organizations are moving freely but in Abyei, security is not good for people who do not belong there.”

“Yesterday I received a young man from Jur-man-anger who fled from Abyei two days ago and when I asked him, he even failed to explain why they were targeted and attacked,” he added.

He said the only safe place in Abyei is Amiet.

The commissioner also revealed that armed Messiryia tribesmen from Sudan were spotted in the northern part of Twic County and that the SSPDF are on high alert but no reports of killing or cattle raids have been reported.

For his part, the information minister in the Abyei Administrative Area, Ajang Deng Miyen, denied the accusations that his people were targeting non-Dinka Ngok and blamed displaced youth from Twic County for attacking Abyei.

“They are part of us here. When Twic youth attacked places on 22 February, an 8-year-old child was killed in Akacnhial village and a woman was injured. Another old man was killed and a woman injured the same Tuesday night at Abithok village,” Minister Deng said.

He said there is now relative peace along the Abyei- Messiryia borders but said they are always on alert and disclosed that criminals from the Messiryia killed one person and wounded two others two days ago in the northern part of Anet.