Trial of two Sudanese church leaders kicks off in Khartoum

A court in Khartoum has started the trial of two Sudanese leaders who have remained in jail nearly eight months, sources said.

A court in Khartoum has started the trial of two Sudanese leaders who have remained in jail nearly eight months, sources said.

The clergymen are accused of inciting violence and hatred, spying and planning a war against state. Lawyers say some of the charges brought against their clients are punishable by the death penalty.

Rev. Hassan Abdelrahim and his colleague Rev. Kwa Shamaal, who are both leaders in the Sudanese Church of Christ, were arrested on 18 December 2015 from their homes in Khartoum.

Sources who attended the trial said there was heavy security presence to disperse a possible protest by supporters of the clerics. However, many people from various churches gathered outside in front of court building to show solidarity with the church leaders.

Singing songs and hymns, the crowds were asking for the release of the church leaders.

Last week the first court hearing for the church leaders was postponed after Al–Huda Prison administration failed to notify the two church leaders of their trial.

File photo: A Christian woman in Khartoum, Sudan