Trial of detainees adjourned over investigator’s absence

The high court adjourned Monday the trial of seven detainees because of the first investigator’s absence, with the judge ordering he be present for the next session.

The high court adjourned Monday the trial of seven detainees because of the first investigator's absence, with the judge ordering he be present for the next session.

Activist Peter Biar Ajak and businessman Kerbino Wol were among the seven defendants.

Philip Anyang Ngong, a lawyer for Peter Biar said the court session was adjourned because the first investigator was not present during today's court proceedings.

“The hearing went well but the concern is that the person we were supposed to be talking to wasn’t there,” he said.

The presiding judge had requested the first investigator be present for the next court session on 27 March.

The lawyer noted that the charges were read to his client, saying Biar faces charges of public disorder, possession of firearm, sabotage, banditry and terrorism.

“The prosecutor confirmed the charges primarily… These are charges that will be discussed singly at the level of the next hearing,” said Ngang.

International pressure has been mounting on South Sudanese government to release Biar, who is a prominent activist and political commentator.

Ajak Mayol Bior, a lawyer for Kerbino Wol said the charges levelled against his client revolve around insurgency, sabotage and banditry.

“We have listened to the investigator today but we will come on 27 March to listen to the initial investigator,” he said.