A group of pastors plans to visit Jonglei, Eastern Equatoria and elsewhere in South Sudan with the stated aim of consulting traditional leaders and promoting peace.
Radio Miraya reported that the trip is part of a peace campaign launched last week by the National Platform for Peace and Reconciliation (NPPR), saying this week the peace caravan will start its journey “to traverse the states to engage with communities and spread messages of peace and reconciliation.”
Speaking on Radio Miraya on Monday, NPPR Coordinator William Ongoro says the caravan will start its journey in Eastern Equatoria State.
“This peace caravan will go to the IDP areas in Eastern Equatoria and later it will go to Jonglei State and Western Equatoria, in the subsequent months that will follow, we will also go to other most affected areas if given the opportunity to go,” said Ongaro.
“Now, tomorrow, our pastors peace initiative which is a group of pastors from all the communities will go to Bor and have consultations with traditional leadership, they will iron out what other mechanisms can be put in place in order for us to think of the best way of reconciling ourselves whether inside or outside the IDP camps.”
The six-month peace campaign is being held under the theme “Reawakening our common call for peace and reconciliation.”
File photo: Church leaders at the NPPR launch in April 2014