Trade resumes along Upper Nile-White Nile borders

Trade between South Sudan’s Upper Nile state and Sudan’s White Nile state has resumed recently, a South Sudanese official said.

Trade between South Sudan’s Upper Nile state and Sudan’s White Nile state has resumed recently, a South Sudanese official said.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Monday, Manyo County Commissioner Rajab Deng Ajak said local residents are happy about the resumption of the trade between the countries.

“The border was reopened last week, so we don’t have any problem now in Manyo after the consumer goods arrived from Sudan,” he said.

Rajab said roads leading to Manyo from Sudanese territories have been reopened and that goods coming from Sudan are now flowing smoothly. He said there are no longer complaints about food shortages in the area.

In early April, the borders between Sudan and South Sudan were closed as  Sudanese police introduced security measures before their country’s elections.