Top Universal Peace Federation official arrives in Juba

The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Vice-President, Dr. Tageldin Ibrahim Hamad is in Juba, South Sudan.

The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Vice-President, Dr. Tageldin Ibrahim Hamad is in Juba, South Sudan.

The committee overseeing the transition period invited Hamad to visit Juba.

Speaking to reporters upon arrival on Sunday, Hamad said he is in Juba to discuss possible ways of restoring peace in South Sudan.

“I came here in response to the general invitation to contribute to reconciliation and healing and to have partnership with the government to provide the expertise we have in our organization,” said Hamad.

“I am actually coming in my capacity as a Vice President for Universal Peace Federation which is an NGO [Non-Governmental Organization] with consultative service with United Nations to help the government implement the peace agreement,” he added.

According to Hamad, UPF cares about peace around the world.

“Development and peace go hand in hand, there is no development without peace and there is no peace without development. I have come to discus with government officials in South Sudan what we can do so that we come up with a strategy to implement the revitalized peace agreement,” said Hamad.

“What kind of deliverable they [government] need from us so we could help in this important period,” he added.

Hamad also serves as the chair for non-governmental entities dealing with peace, security, women’s education, among others.

An international and inter-religious network of individuals and organizations, including representatives from religion, government, civil society and private sector, UPF is dedicated to achieve world peace.