Top podcasts this week: Peace in Wonduruba, weapons in Juba & more

This week’s top podcasts were about a parliamentary hearing on small arms in Juba, a church-led peace initiative in Wonduruba and a study visit by a peace committee from Upper Nile to Aweil.

This week’s top podcasts were about a parliamentary hearing on small arms in Juba, a church-led peace initiative in Wonduruba and a study visit by a peace committee from Upper Nile to Aweil.

Try one that interests you. Remember, you can also listen to Radio Tamazuj news on 15550 kHz daily at 7:00 or 18:00. 

Top podcasts this week

ENGLISH: Onyoti: generals should not be allowed to keep heavy weapons in their houses

ARABIC: Feature on the peace deal between SPLA and the Wonduruba community

ARABIC: Report On Upper Nile Border Peace Committee’s Visit To Aweil


Try also

ENGLISH & ARABIC: Women of Juba speak out about gender-based violence

ARABIC: Interview about tribal dances of the Nuba Mountains