Tonj North youth surrender 390 more guns

Authorities in Warrap State said armed youth in Tonj North County on Saturday surrendered 390 more firearms to the security committee. These include the guns of soldiers killed in clashes with armed civilians in Rualbet Payam.

Authorities in Warrap State said armed youth in Tonj North County on Saturday surrendered 390 more firearms to the security committee. These include the guns of soldiers killed in clashes with armed civilians in Rualbet Payam.

Last week, 359 firearms were also collected from armed youth by the government.

Agok Ayaar, Warrap State Acting Minister of Information, told radio Tamazuj on Saturday that 390 firearms were collected and handed over to the security committee, bringing the total number of guns collected to 749.

“The committee is going on well and local leaders have signed a document confirming that guns were completely collected. So 390 were collected within this week and were handed over to the army,” he said.

The minister warned that anyone in the area found holding guns would face the law. “The work of chiefs is done because this is the new number of guns collected and after this anyone found with guns will be held responsible,” he warned.

Ayaar added that the guns were collected in different places including other payams that were not involved in the Rualbet incident.

“Marial Lou Payam surrendered 43 guns, Rualbet Payam surrendered 250 guns, Kerik Payam with 12 firearms, Akop Payam has collected 48 firearms from youth, while 27 rifles were brought back to the military because these guns belong to the SSPDF soldiers killed during the incident,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Victoria Achol Majak, a Member of Parliament in Warrap State representing Tonj North County, confirmed that the armed youth surrendered their guns to the government.

“Two weeks ago, guns were collected and this week also some guns were collected. So the security situation is not like before because the army chief was in the area and chiefs also helped to collect the guns,” she said.

Last month, deadly clashes erupted between government forces and armed civilians in Rualbet Payam.

At least 18 officers including Military Chief of Intelligence Division 11 Lt. Col. Akec Ciman Paac, SSPDF Division 11 Military Chief for Operations Maj. Santino Kuot Kuotdit and seven civilians died and scores were injured after Rualbet youth attacked the SSPDF disarmament forces ordered to reclaim stolen cattle.