TNLA Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba. (File photo)

TNLA defers questioning of economic cluster ministers

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) on Tuesday postponed a session meant to question ministers under the government’s economic cluster to a later date after most of them failed to turn up.

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) on Tuesday postponed a session meant to question ministers under the government’s economic cluster to a later date after most of them failed to turn up.

In April, the TNLA summoned the whole economic cluster to answer queries concerning the widespread hunger across the country which has been exacerbated by the ongoing economic crisis.

Among those set to appear before parliament are the Minister of Finance and Planning, Minister of Trade and Industry, and that Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management.

The other ministers include those of petroleum and agriculture.

Addressing lawmakers, TNLA Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba said Petroleum Minister Puot Kang Chol who was supposed to explain to the lawmakers issues surrounding the petroleum had travelled to Port Sudan.

“We also have the minister of petroleum who was in the questions that were raised. I think he was supposed to answer on his sector which is the petroleum oil production and the status of the oil exploration, the pipeline, and you wanted him to explain how the revenue from oil is used, which is not responsible,” she said. “He would explain to us what is going on in the oil sector but he is also not here in the country. I think they are on the same team that went to Port Sudan to discuss with the authorities about the pipeline and what is happening there. So, he is also very important for this meeting.”

According to Kumba, the Minister of Trade and Industry is also out of the country on official duty, which made it hard for the session to continue.

The only minister present was that of agriculture and food security, however, she did not carry hard copies of her presentation to distribute to the legislators.

“We have the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security who is also to tell us what is happening, what they are doing as a ministry in terms of improvement of the agriculture sector, food production and food security, she explained. “They came with their presentation in a soft copy but according to our regulations, the copies of any document that has been discussed should be distributed to the members.”

Speaker Kumba then adjourned the session to a date on which all the summoned ministers will be present.