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MALAKAL - 20 Mar 2016

'Time of essence' to improve Malakal UN base before rains

An international NGO working in the Malakal UN base says civilians living there face a desperate situation as the rainy season approaches following the deadly attack on the base last month.

The Danish Refugee Council said time is of the essence to improve conditions in the base before the rains arrive so that the people who have taken refuge there can live in a dignified setting.

"The living situation within the compound is desperate, with families living in drainage and on trash, in highly congested circumstances," said DRC.

DRC said they have provided 367 shelter kits and built 45 shelters for vulnerable families in the last ten days.

Most of the people living in the base abandoned their homes when the site came under attack last month and fled to a more protected area of the site used by UN staff.

 Homes for thousands of people were burned during the incident.

New shelters being built in Malakal UN base (DRC)