Three injured in Rumbek North revenge attacks

Police authorities in Rumbek, Lakes State, have confirmed that at least three people were injured over the weekend during inter-clan revenge attacks between two sub-clans of the Pakam community in Rumbek North County. The attacks occurred in the Thou-Bor villages of Rumbek Central County.

Lakes State police spokesperson, Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, told Radio Tamazuj on Monday that the situation has returned to normalcy following the Saturday fighting. Police and other security forces are now pursuing the perpetrators of the attacks in Thou-Bor villages. “The overall situation in Lakes State is generally calm and normal, with only two cases of revenge attacks reported over the weekend,” Makuac said.

He reported that around 5:30 AM, fighting erupted between sub-clans in Malek Payam, resulting in injuries to two brothers, Malaat Puoric Anyuon and Chol Puoric Anyuon, who are from the family of executive chief Mabor Dhieu. According to Makuac, the fighting was a result of revenge for a long-standing inter-clan conflict in which someone was killed.

“The two sub-clans met in Thou-Bor village, leading to renewed clashes. The injured victims have been evacuated to Rumbek State Hospital, where they are currently receiving treatment. The suspects have fled, but security forces are actively pursuing them,” Makuac said.

He also mentioned another incident on the same day, July 18, 2024, in which an unidentified gunman shot Marial Machir, allegedly in revenge for a previous injury to a relative of the victim. The shooting occurred at 8:00 AM. “The suspect fled after committing the crime, and the security forces are still pursuing him,” Makuac added. “Despite these incidents, the overall security situation remains calm.”

He assured that all perpetrators would be traced and apprehended, emphasizing the commitment to ongoing investigations. “We are confident that all the perpetrators will be caught and brought to justice. We will employ all possible means to track down the criminals until we succeed,” Makuac stated.

“My message to everyone in Lakes State is to break the cycle of revenge,” he said. “Revenge is totally unacceptable. I urge our people to refrain from this behaviour because you cannot take the law into your own hands.”

He emphasized that if someone wrongs you, “Report it to the police. They will apprehend the offender for investigation and take them to court to ensure your rights are protected.” He continued, “The issue of revenge has previously led us into bad situations. If you seek revenge, it will just continue endlessly, causing a downfall in our security in Lakes State.”

He urged the local community to cooperate with security forces whenever a crime is committed. “Our local community must immediately cooperate with security forces to pursue and apprehend criminals, resolving cases through legal means. If people don’t cooperate, those wronged will feel neglected and might resort to revenge,” he said. He stressed that it is the collective responsibility of everyone to ensure criminals are pursued and brought to justice.

Dr. Terran Madit Terran confirmed that Rumbek State Hospital received four patients with gunshot wounds from Rumbek North County. “We don’t know the exact cause, but it is part of communal clashes,” he said. “We received four patients with different injuries: one was shot in the limbs, another in the mouth. We resuscitated and stabilized them.”

He added, “The following evening, we received another patient with a serious abdominal wound. We operated on him immediately. He is now stable and receiving medication.”

Dr. Terran noted that only one critical case was referred to Juba at the family’s request. “Overall, the patients are stable. One with fractures was taken by family members for traditional treatment after we stabilized him. No serious conditions remain,” he concluded.