‘There cannot be a political process without silencing guns’-Sudan’s Gen. Al-Burhan

Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan rallying SAF troops in the past. (Courtesy photo)

The Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, has reaffirmed that if the war does not end, there will be no political process in the country.

The Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, has reaffirmed that if the war does not end, there will be no political process in the country.

Sudan’s de facto leader made the remarks on Tuesday while addressing non-commissioned officers and soldiers of SAF’s Second Infantry Division in Gedaref State,

“How can a peace agreement be made with someone who does not abide by it and every day has an opinion,” he charged. “So, we say there will be no peace until the end of this rebellion.”

Al-Burhan also chided politicians who he said hobnob with and talk with warmongers, saying that warmongers, Rapid Support Forces (RSF), are those who carry weapons and attack citizens.

“Warmongers are those who search for weapons from outside the country to kill Sudanese with them,” he stated.

According to the SAF chief, the war has now taken on a different tangent compared to the last ten months.

“The war has now become necessary and obligatory because we went for peace in Jeddah and many commitments and covenants were agreed upon, but none was implemented,” Gen. Al-Burhan said.

After breaking RSF’s siege on the city of Omdurman last week, Gen. Al-Burhan has often repeated that SAF will defeat the RSF militarily.