The governor of ‘Terekeka State’ Juma Ali Malou in several decrees Saturday formed his government appointing his deputy governor, state advisors, ministers and state assembly members.
Terekeka State is an administrative area announced by Salva Kiir as one of 28 new states that he is seeking to create in place of the ten constitutionally established states.
Opposition parties have said Kiir’s decree creating the new states is unconstitutional and sought to take him to court over the move. But Salva Kiir says the states are the “demand of the people.”
In his decrees, Juma appointed Clement Maring Samuel as the deputy governor and Juma Wilson Kila as advisor on security, Joseph Kulang John as economic advisor and Osman Laku Wani as advisor on political, peace and reconciliation.
He appointed additionally the following Cabinet Ministers:
1. Wani Nyambur Boughta, minister of local government and law enforcement
2. John Modong Santo: minister of finance, industry, mining, investment and public service
3. Modi Lomindi Ajuangich: minister of information, broadcasting, culture, tourism, antiquities, youth and sports
4. Kamilo Baybay Waya: minister of agriculture, forestry, animal resources and fisheries
5. Cornelius Goja Ladu, minister of physical infrastructure, rural water, roads and bridges,
6. Mary John Lado, minister of health, gender and social welfare
7. Taban Emmanuel Ija, minister of education, science and technology.
The governor also appointed state assembly members including 16 new ones and five previously elected members from Terekeka County who were serving in the Central Equatoria State Assemby.
Confirmed previous five MPs:
1. Nadia James Hakim,
2. James Modi Lomindi Ajuangich
3. Fredensio Loku Bitali
4. Mary Sadia Alifaza
5. James Wani Pitia
16 newly appointed MPs:
1. John Modong Santo
2. Laku Aron Samuel
3. Stephen Warnyang Modi as representative of disabled
4. Lodu Philip Gembeke
5. Jacob Gore Samuel
6. Rakele Clement Deng
7. Daud Ladu Mursal
8. James Loku Kiri
9. Nora Jambu Mullaie
10. Modi John Molla
11. Najiwa Juma Mursal
12. Jacob Achiek Loi as representative of farmers, traders and pastoralists
13. Michael John Konga member other parties
14. Daniel Abocha Ali
15. Joseph Lodu Gubek
16. Lino Lado Cirilo
File photo: Governor Juma Ali