Sudanese protest soaring consumer prices

Many Sudanese citizens are voicing concerns over the soaring prices of consumer goods and the scarcity of some food items in markets. The sharp increase in prices has eroded purchasing power, further exacerbated by rising exchange rates of foreign currencies against the Sudanese pound.

Rafia’a Ahmed, a Khartoum resident, told Radio Tamazuj, “The markets are witnessing exorbitant price hikes, making goods unaffordable, primarily due to the rising dollar rates. The increasing dollar rate is a worrying factor, leading to daily price hikes in the markets.”

She highlighted that the unprecedented rise in the dollar directly affects citizens’ livelihoods, daily cooking necessities, and everyday life, comparing the economic situation to a state of war.

Mohammed Hassan, a resident of the Darfur region, expressed his astonishment at the soaring prices of consumer and food items in the markets, saying, “Honestly, the prices of goods in the market have become very expensive,” and noted that citizens are questioning the reasons behind these increases. He confirmed that there is also a scarcity of some food items, along with their high prices.

Economic analyst Tarig Osman commented, “The recent decline in the local currency is a serious indicator, suggesting that the country’s economic conditions are heading towards a steep decline unless the government urgently intervenes to curb these prices.” He added, “This collapse and deterioration significantly impact goods and consumers, with some prices doubling.”

Osman explained that as long as the local currency continues to depreciate, market prices will keep rising, further weakening purchasing power. He emphasized that the weakening of purchasing power is not due to an abundance of goods, but rather because consumers cannot afford the escalating market prices. Consequently, unprecedented increases in consumer goods prices will be observed daily under these conditions.

Economic reports indicate that the Sudanese pound has significantly declined against foreign currencies in the parallel market, with the exchange rate exceeding two thousand pounds per dollar. Many Sudanese families are struggling with dire economic conditions due to the ongoing conflict and widespread job losses, resulting in a complete paralysis of the country’s economic sector.

Since April 15, 2023, Sudan has been experiencing military confrontations between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, leading to thousands of deaths and the displacement of millions, both internally and as refugees.