Sudanese humanitarian aid convoy arrives in Juba

A convoy of Sudan’s humanitarian aid arrived on Thursday to the South Sudanese capital, Juba as part of response to famine that was declared in parts of the world’s youngest nation in February. The first Sudanese aircraft crying humanitarian aid to South Sudan was accompanied by Sudan’s Minister of Health Dr. Sumaya Idris.

A convoy of Sudan’s humanitarian aid arrived on Thursday to the South Sudanese capital, Juba as part of response to famine that was declared in parts of the world’s youngest nation in February. The first Sudanese aircraft crying humanitarian aid to South Sudan was accompanied by Sudan’s Minister of Health Dr. Sumaya Idris.

Speaking to reporters at Juba International Airport, South Sudan’s Health Minister Riek Gai Kok, said it is the first convoy from Sudan, adding that more humanitarian convoys will be dispatched by road to Northern Behr al Ghazal, Northern Upper Nile and Unity states to response to the current situation in South Sudan.

“These convoys are multiphase convoys. There are items that are coming through the road to Northern Behr el Ghazal, Northern Upper Nile and to Unity states, this is one track. The government of Sudan has given permission to international organizations especially the WFP to buy food from Sudan and fly it to South Sudan in all ways whether by roads, by rivers or by air dropping if there is need,”said Gai.

“We are going to have discussions with the delegations so that we put our priority, what do we need most and even where we need as priority so that we also resolve the question of logistics instead of bringing things to Juba and then take them back again to where there is need,” he added.

For her part, Sudan’s Minister of Health, Dr. Sumaya Idris said there will be also other consignments that will be brought by air, river or by roads in order to implement the directive of President Omar Al Bashir.

“Today, we are very happy to be received by our sisterly country. And according to the directives of the President of the Republic Omar Hassan Ahmed Al Bashir, there are committees formed which comprise of all sectors of the Sudanese community to deliver all what is needed by our brothers and sisters in South Sudan,” she said.

Meanwhile, Hassan Ibrahim, Secretary General of the Afro-Arab Council, said this is the first convoy to arrive from Sudan by air. He further said the items brought to Juba were mainly food and medical assistance.

“This convoy is from Afro-Arab Youth Council based in Sudan with a support from the Sudanese government to implement the directives of President Omar Hassan Ahmed Al Bashir in response to President Salva Kiir Mayardit, and in response to the humanitarian assistance to the people of South Sudan,” said Ibrahim.

Photo: Sudan’s humanitarian aid convoy arrives in Juba on Thursday, March 16, 2017/Radio Tamazuj