Sudanese doctors in Juba to perform eye surgeries

A team of Sudanese doctors including 19 eye specialists arrived in Juba, South Sudan Wednesday to treat eye diseases and perform about 400 eye surgeries.

A team of Sudanese doctors including 19 eye specialists arrived in Juba, South Sudan Wednesday to treat eye diseases and perform about 400 eye surgeries.

The Sudanese medical team is headed by Dr. Amir Hamid Mahmoud, a senior consultant ophthalmologist at Al-Basr International Charity Foundation in Sudan.

The eye treatment will commence on July 23, 2022, at the Juba Teaching Hospital and will run for seven days.

Dr. Hamid Mahmoud told a press conference that they target more than 400 eye surgeries in Juba alone. 

For his part, Dr. Albino Nyibong, the Director of Eye Services at the South Sudan health ministry,  said all preparations for the eye surgeries and treatment are ready. 

He noted that after Juba, the doctors will move to Wau, Western Bahr al Ghazal State in August,

For his part, Noureddin Simon Pasquale, the Executive Director of the Revival Africa Relief and Development Organization in South Sudan, welcomed the visiting medical team saying it confirms the partnership between the two nations. 

“We hope that the partnership will continue to serve the people of South Sudan, and we appeal to the government to provide the environment and facilitate the task of the medical team in Juba and Wau,” he said.