Sudanese citizens curse war for their suffering

A section of Sudanese families has blamed their sorry plights and living conditions on the current war in the country.

A section of Sudanese families has blamed their sorry plights and living conditions on the current war in the country.

They said their country’s economic crisis has been exacerbated by the nine-month civil war between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Sudanese citizen Taqwa Jibril told Radio Tamazuj that families were suffering from difficult economic conditions including in the health, livelihoods and education sectors.

“The situation has forced many of us to do other jobs that are not our professions. We just do anything that can sustain our families,” he said.

Khadija Suleiman, another citizen, observed that the economy of the country had collapsed due to the war, adding that families were suffering from difficult conditions including how to address the loss of their children’s rights to education.

“Even if we try to do an online learning, there is no mobile phone network,” Suleiman said.

UN reports say that nearly 25 million people across Sudan will need humanitarian aid this year.

Other reports also confirm that the escalating violence in Sudan also endangers regional stability and indicate that the war has unleashed the largest displacement crisis in the world.

More than 7 million people have been displaced, about 1.4 million of whom crossed to neighboring countries that already host large numbers of refugees.