Sudanese army spokesman denies ‘official presence’ of LRA in South Darfur State

Spokesman for the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), Brig. Ahmed Khalifa al-Shami, denied the ‘official presence’ of fighters of the fugitive Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in South Darfur State.

Spokesman for the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), Brig. Ahmed Khalifa al-Shami, denied the ‘official presence’ of fighters of the fugitive Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in South Darfur State.

Radio Tamazuj recently reported that the LRA established various camps inside Sudanese territory especially in Um Darota, al-Murraya al-Muwashama, and in remote areas to the west of Dafak and Songo areas. Our reports cited the Fallata paramount chief in the region who claimed his tribe clashed with LRA fighters in early January.

Al-Shami told Radio Tamazuj that there is no official presence of LRA forces in Um Dafok, Songo and Dafak areas in South Darfur. He described the reports of their activities on South Sudanese soil as “slander.”

“This is untrue. The area is witnessing conflicts, but the government is present there. What would be the benefit for the presence of LRA deep inside?” he asked.

“LRA are considered one of terrorist movements. They are stationed on the South Sudan territory and areas near Ugandan borders, so these are the areas of their operations,” he added.

However, Al-Shami pointed out that elements of the LRA may infiltrate into South Darfur state because it is a war zone, alluding to the presence of Darfuri armed movements.

When asked about attacks by the LRA forces in the area, al-Shami denied any knowledge about LRA assaults on local residents in the state.

File photo: LRA leader Joseph Kony


Fallata chief demands expulsion of LRA from Sudan’s South Darfur state (18 Jan.)

Lord’s Resistance Army sheltering and trading on Sudanese soil (14 Jan.)