Sudanese army accused of displacing villagers in Blue Nile State

Thousands of Sudanese villagers have reportedly been displaced by fighting between government troops and SPLA-North rebels in Blue Nile state last week.

Thousands of Sudanese villagers have reportedly been displaced by fighting between government troops and SPLA-North rebels in Blue Nile state last week.

The conflict-affected people from Maginza, Madim, Bagis, and Koli areas are said to be facing deteriorating humanitarian conditions after their villages were burned down during fighting.

Several displaced told Radio Tamazuj that the government forces ordered them to vacate their areas. Other sources indicated that the government wanted to cordon off the SPLA-North rebels after local resident left the area.

The displaced said the government forced them out without providing transportation or any kind of support. The conflicted-affected people are now living in Al Azaza, Ishnish North, and east of Ruseires.

The Sudanese citizens called upon the government to intervene by providing assistance and allocate lands. The displaced are now living in lands given to them by the native administration in the area, whereas the government has been reluctant to establish formal IDP camps in the state.