Sudan war displaces 1.8M workers as 90% of factories halt operations

The Industrial Chamber in Sudan has revealed that more than 1.8 million workers and employees have been displaced from their jobs due to the ongoing war in the country. The industrial sector has suffered losses exceeding $50 million, with 90% of factories across the country ceasing operations.

The Industrial Chamber in Sudan has revealed that more than 1.8 million workers and employees have been displaced from their jobs due to the ongoing war in the country. The industrial sector has suffered losses exceeding $50 million, with 90% of factories across the country ceasing operations.

Moawiya Al-Birier, representing the Chamber and the industrial sector, stated at the Industrial Development and Enhancement Conference held recently in Port Sudan, “The industrial sector has incurred massive losses, with more than 90% of factories in Khartoum state affected, resulting in nearly $50 million in losses for the industrial sector and over 1.8 million workers and employees losing their jobs.”

He added, “The most important aspect now is that we are working on restarting the industry and reintegrating the workforce, including professionals, youth, and laborers, who have been rendered jobless.”

Sudanese Finance Minister Jibril Ibrahim remarked, “The war that erupted in April is devastating for Sudan, having destroyed all industries and companies in the capital.”

He further explained that the war has obliterated all government services in the capital, in addition to causing significant destruction to industry, commerce, and services in other states. Ibrahim disclosed that over 10 million people have been displaced and have sought refuge due to the conflict.

Businessman Mohamed Zain Al-Abidin expressed his fear of continuing operations due to the loss of assets and his inability to pay the wages of his former employees.

He told Radio Tamazuj, “The resources now are extremely limited to resume operations. The cost of rent has skyrocketed excessively, coupled with the fear of the war breaking out in our current location.”

He continued, “The impacts of the war on the sector are evident,” noting that this effect extends beyond business owners to the entire workforce sector.