Sudan: Wad Madani citizens protest against aerial bombardment

The Popular Committee Against War on Tuesday organized a protest in Wad Madani, drawing dozens of citizens to denounce the recent aerial bombardment of homes in Madani and various areas within Al Gazira State.

The Popular Committee Against War on Tuesday organized a protest in Wad Madani, drawing dozens of citizens to denounce the recent aerial bombardment of homes in Madani and various areas within Al Gazira State.

This week, Beika, the popular market, and Al-Dibaqah District were subjected to aerial attacks targeting concentrations of Rapid Support Forces, resulting in numerous civilian injuries.

A surge in bombing was also reported in Al-Hassahisa and Rufaa on the previous Tuesday, leading to the unfortunate death of a woman and injuries to several others, with the exact count yet to be determined. During the protest, participants vehemently opposed Sudanese Army airstrikes on civilian neighbourhoods in Wad Madani.

Mahassen Bashir, a member of the Popular Committee Against War, underlined that their involvement in the protest is a clear expression of their disapproval of the army aviation’s targeting of civilians in Al Gazira State.

Bashir provided further clarification, stating that the military aircraft has been responsible for the deaths of over fifty individuals. He asserted that these bombings occur on a racist basis and called for the Rapid Support Forces to rein in rogue elements that target innocent civilians.

Another resident only identified as Ibrahim confirmed that the air force has claimed the lives of several civilians, sparing neither humans nor animals. He criticized the treacherous and backstabbing nature of targeting civilians by aircraft, attributing it to remnants of the defunct regime associated with the army.

Expressing her anger, Zahra Saeed also a resident of Jazeera questioned the intentions of the army commander in displacing them from their homes to other areas. She highlighted the repercussions, including hunger and food shortages, following the withdrawal of the army commander, leaving them in an uncertain and challenging situation.