Sudan refugees facing difficulties as Khartoum is ‘ready’ to allow aid

The Minister of Interior of Sudan has recently confirmed the government’s ‘readiness’ to allow organizations to provide food and other essential services for the war-affected areas across the country. For his part, the spokesman for the rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, confirmed his faction will allow organizations to enter areas they control via Ethiopia and Kenya.

The Minister of Interior of Sudan has recently confirmed the government’s ‘readiness’ to allow organizations to provide food and other essential services for the war-affected areas across the country. For his part, the spokesman for the rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, confirmed his faction will allow organizations to enter areas they control via Ethiopia and Kenya.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people who fled South Kordofan to South Sudan refugee camps are reportedly facing a shortage of food and medicines. Sources claim conditions in Sudan deteriorated due to fierce fighting between the army and rebel forces.

A refugee at the Yida camp in Unity state explained that ”a large number of citizens from the areas west of Kadugli, and from the areas of Fama, Tibis, and Angolo have fled to South Sudan’s Upper Nile and Unity states, because of a lack of food of medicine as well as insecurity. Now children and women are suffering in the camps due to a shortage of services”.

Multiple sources confirmed to Radio Tamazuj that the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) “bombed various areas in South Kordofan, forcing many citizens in the area to seek safe refuge in South Sudan’s camps.”

Other refugees also attribute the problem to “agriculture failure” in their respective areas. They are calling upon humanitarian organizations operating in South Sudan to provide them food, shelter, and medicine.