The Sudanese Journalists’ Network condemned the targeting of the press on Thursday, following the seizure of the print run of a newspaper on Tuesday and seven other print runs of Sudanese newspapers earlier in the month.
“No day passes by without the security apparatus banning or confiscating a newspaper, summoning a journalist, or prohibiting them from practicing their profession,” the Network said in a statement released on Thursday.
“Banning journalists from writing and confiscating print runs of newspapers has become an ongoing process. Journalist Nazek El Shammam was summoned by the security this week. This Thursday, the print run of El Jareeda newspaper was confiscated, on Wednesday El Yowm El Tali without giving a reason,” the rights group added.
“The security apparatus is strengthening its campaign against freedom of expression and opinion. It is meant to break the will of the journalists, and silence their voices.”
File photo: Sudanese journalists protesting against the targeting of press freedom; the banners say ‘Free the detained journalists’ and ‘Freedom of expression is a right, not a gift.’
Sudan security confiscates newspaper, gags columnist (19 March 2014)