The Misseriya Peace Committee on Saturday announced the release of their four members who had been detained by Sudanese security personnel in late October in Meiram. The arrested members were set free last week by the Sudanese government after investigations found them innocent.
Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, the deputy chairman for a Misseriya delegation to a peace conference in Aweil, Abdalarasul Didan Dawuud appreciated the Sudanese government for the release of the four.
He said the reason for the arrest is that the Sudanese government received allegations from unknown sources that the Misseriya and Dinka Malual agreed to hold peace conferences between Ngok Dinka and Misseriya of Abyei which was interpreted negatively by Sudanese authorities.
“We are far from the issue of Abyei and far from anything political,” he said.
He warned Dinka Malual and Misseriya peace committee to pass accurate information since the committees are meant to create peace and stability among the border communities.
The released are the following:
1- Alrasheed Hamaad, Chairman of Misseriya Border Peace Committee
2-Jabara Nurin Jebriel, Deputy Chairperson
3-Alfadil Mohammed Issa, Secretray General
4- Abdallah Abu Ladoma, senior member
Alrasheed was released on 8 December while the others were released on 10 December.
File photo: Alrasheed Hamaad (right) at the signing of an agreement in Aweil in 2014