Sudanese doctors announced a nationwide strike on Thursday to demand protection from security forces and better services at government hospitals, and higher wages, a member of doctor’s association said.
The Federal Committee of Doctors said doctors at more than 28 government hospitals would stop work. The committee said Thursday’s strike was a protest at low wages, deteriorating services at government hospitals and a rise in assaults on doctors by security agents and relatives of patients.
Dr. Hani al Hajj, a member of the federal committee of doctors, told Radio Tamazuj that they will continue with their strike until their demands are fulfilled by the government.
He further said the nationwide strike will be organized during working hours. However, the doctor pointed out that they will handle emergency cases only.
Hani revealed that hospitals in Khartoum city decided to stop work in all departments including emergency wards. He said yesterday. “The strike that was staged today in all parts of Sudan does not include urgent cases, but in Omdurman, Bahri, Ibrahim Malik and Hajj Al-Safi Hospitals, the strike includes all the departments,” said Hani.
Meanwhile, several activists voiced their support to the open-ended doctor’s strike on social media using the hashtag #Sudan_Doctor’s_Strike.
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