Sudan denies military buildup in Abyei

The Sudanese co-leader of the Abyei Joint Oversight Comittee (AJOC) denied reports of military buildup by Sudan around the disputed area.

The Sudanese co-leader of the Abyei Joint Oversight Comittee (AJOC) denied reports of military buildup by Sudan around the disputed area.

Ali Hassan al-Nimir said the security in the area remains stable despite some friction which occurs in the dry season when Misseriya Arabs move south into the area in search of water and pasture.

Meanwhile, Ngok Dinka leader Chol Deng Alak also denied that any South Sudanese forces of the SPLA are present in Abyei. He signalled his side’s readiness to sit down with the Misseriya to find an amicable solution to their disputes.