Sudanese soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces unit stand on their vehicle during a military-backed rally, in Mayo district, south of Khartoum, Sudan, Saturday, June 29, 2019. (AP photo)

Sudan: Concern over increased shelling in Nyala and Omdurman

The United States is deeply concerned by reports that the Sudanese paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have intensified shelling in Nyala town of South Darfur and Omdurman City, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Wednesday.

The United States is deeply concerned by reports that the Sudanese paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have intensified shelling in Nyala town of South Darfur and Omdurman City, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Wednesday.

Fighting between the Sudanese army and the RSF erupted on April 15 over tensions linked to a planned transition to civilian rule. It has devastated the capital Khartoum and sparked ethnically driven attacks in Darfur.

In a statement seen by Radio Tamazuj, Department Spokesperson called on the RSF to immediately cease shelling of civilian neighborhoods and to protect civilians.

The United States is aware of reports the RSF and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) are fighting within the city of Nyala and that the RSF may have encircled the city in preparation for an assault, potentially depriving civilians of the ability to flee to safety. We are also concerned by reports the RSF has shelled and blocked all access into the Hasahisa IDP camp in Central Darfur,” he added.

The Spokesperson reiterated the US’s call for the RSF and SAF to immediately stop the fighting and return to talks toward a negotiated exit from this conflict.

The United States reminded the RSF and SAF of their commitments under the May 11 Jeddah Declaration of Principles to Protect the Civilians of Sudan, including by allowing unhindered humanitarian access, protecting civilians and their human rights, and upholding international humanitarian law and international human rights law. 

Sanctions against Hamas’s financial network

Separately, the United States on Wednesday sanctioned a group of 10 Hamas members and the Palestinian militant organization’s financial network across Gaza, Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and Qatar in response to the surprise attack on Israel that left more than 1,000 people dead or kidnapped.

Targeted for sanctions by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control are members who manage a Hamas investment portfolio, a Qatar-based financial facilitator with close ties to the Iranian regime, a Hamas commander and a Gaza-based virtual currency exchange.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the U.S. “is taking swift and decisive action to target Hamas’s financiers and facilitators following its brutal and unconscionable massacre of Israeli civilians, including children.”