SCP prominent member Amal Al-Zein

Sudan Communist Party member detained by Military Intelligence

On Monday morning, Sudanese military intelligence detained Amal Al-Zein, a leading member of the Sudanese Communist Party, at her office in Shendi. She was taken to an undisclosed location, and her family and colleagues have been denied access to check on her well-being.

Al-Zein, who suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure requiring regular medication, has prompted urgent appeals from the party’s spokesperson, Fathi Al-Fadl, for her immediate release. He stressed the need for her family and legal representatives to visit her and ensure she receives the necessary medical care.

Al-Fadl expressed deep concern over the military’s communication blackout concerning Al-Zein, holding them responsible for her safety and well-being.

Al-Fadl urgently appealed to democratic lawyers to intervene in the release of Amal Al-Zein. He also called upon national progressive forces, friendly political parties, and human rights organizations to demand the liberation of the activists.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj about Al-Zein’s detention, Kamal Karrar, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, stated, “The detention of Amal Al-Zein reflects the mentality of the ruling authorities, who oppose the revolution, resistance, and any revolutionary forces advocating for an end to the war and the achievement of peace.”

Karrar added that her arrest is part of a broader campaign to suppress the popular movement and target the party’s members. He emphasized that Al-Zein’s detention, especially given her health conditions, poses a significant risk to her well-being.

Karrar urged all peace-loving forces, both domestically and internationally, to speak out and exert pressure on the authorities to secure Al-Zein’s release and ensure she receives the necessary medications.

Since the start of the ongoing war between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in April of last year, there have been reports of arbitrary detentions conducted by Military Intelligence across the country.