Sudan army starts recruiting retirees to fight in Blue Nile

Local residents of Damazin town in Sudan’s Blue Nile state say the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has started recruiting pensioners and ex-combatants into the ranks of the Sudanese army, so that they fight the SPLA-N in the Ingessana Mountains front.

Local residents of Damazin town in Sudan’s Blue Nile state say the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has started recruiting pensioners and ex-combatants into the ranks of the Sudanese army, so that they fight the SPLA-N in the Ingessana Mountains front.

 Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Monday, local sources confirmed that the SAF in collaboration with Saba organization have opened military training centres for elderly to fight the SPLA-N in Ingessana.

Nearly 10 retirees have already signed contracts with the origination to join the army, according to the same source.

In a related development, the deputy governor of Blue Nile State Ali Mohamed El Batahani attended a graduation ceremony of new recruits under Division 4 infantry last week in Damazin stadium.

When addressing the troops, the deputy governor affirmed the ability of SAF to flush out the rebellion in Malkal and Guruat areas in Ingessana Mountains. The official also reiterated the government’s commitment to bring about peace in Sudan.

File photo: SAF troops in Blue Nile