SSPDF soldier to be arraigned in court, after causing panic in Juba

The SSPDF soldier who caused panic in Juba City when he shot at a combined force of police and SSPDF soldiers who had gone to arrest him in the Hai Cinema area on Monday, will be arraigned in court soon.

The SSPDF soldier who caused panic in Juba City when he shot at a combined force of police and SSPDF soldiers who had gone to arrest him in the Hai Cinema area on Monday, will be arraigned in court soon. 

The SSPDF spokesman, Gen. Lul Ruai Koang, told Radio Tamazuj that Regimental Sergeant Major Robert Angui, also known as Mike Mike, is a renowned criminal wanted for the attempted murder of Lt. Col Ameyu Karbino and self-promotion within the ranks of the army. 

“This officer is called Regimental Sergeant Major Robert Angui. He had promoted himself from Sergeant Major to the rank of Colonel. He has been committing crimes including attempted murder. He had wanted to kill a Lt. Colonel and as a result, he was arrested at some stage and put under open arrest,” Gen. Ruai explained. “The day before yesterday, the security committee decided that he be re-arrested. So, forces were sent to re-arrest him but instead of complying, he resisted orders and opened fire on the security forces.”

He said the police’s Criminal Investigations Department (CID) has also been investigating Angui and have charges for him to answer.

“I was also made to understand that the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) also has charges against him, but I do not know the nature of charges brought against him,” Gen. Ruai said. “But what is going to happen is that as of now he is being accused of having committed 3 crimes from our (SSPDF) side, resisting orders, attempted murder, and self-promotion.” 

He said all the charges against Sergeant Major Angui will be merged and he will be presented before a court.

“So the charges that we have against him and the ones from the CID will be put together and he will be brought before a court of justice. He is being kept at ground force, this is where we have our detention facilities,” Gen. Ruai said. 

He said all the offenses will be punished per the law and advised soldiers not to be involved in any criminal activities and obey lawful orders.