SSPDF, rebel clash leaves 10 dead and 9 wounded in Mayom County

Authorities in Mayom County in Unity State have confirmed that Wednesday’s clashes between the SSPDF and South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A) rebel forces loyal to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang left 10 dead and nine wounded.

Authorities in Mayom County in Unity State have confirmed that Wednesday’s clashes between the SSPDF and South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A) rebel forces loyal to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang left 10 dead and nine wounded.

The clashes occurred at 8:00 am on Wednesday in the Manyang area of Mayom County.

Wuor Weah, in charge of information in Mayom County, told Radio Tamazuj that three SSPDF soldiers were killed, and the rebels lost ten soldiers in the fighting.

“It is true that there was a clash between government forces (SSPDF) and the SSPM/A,” he said. “On the SSPDF side, three soldiers were killed, and four wounded in the Manyang area.”

He said the clashes occurred when SSPDF attacked the rebels’ hideout in the Manyang area and that the government forces captured five insurgents.

“The four wounded SSPDF soldiers are receiving treatment at Mayom County Hospital,” he said.

Gen. Stephen Buay, when contacted, confirmed the clashes and said the SSPDF, in a two-pronged formation, attacked one of his positions and a cattle camp in Ajakuac in neighbouring Warrap State. He, however, said they only lost seven soldiers in the fighting. 

“The fighting started at 9:00 am on Wednesday in two places. The government soldiers and their allied militias launched two attacks with one group attacking civilians at a kraal in Ajakuac in Warrap State,” he explained.

Gen. Buay admitted the attack left seven of his soldiers dead.

“After attacking the civilians in Ajakuac, the SSPDF also attacked our position, and we lost seven soldiers, and five were wounded in the ensuing fighting,” he said. “We repulsed the SSPDF attack on Wednesday, and they have not attacked again.”

On accusations that he had appointed parallel local chiefs, Gen. Buay laughed off the claims and said he had nothing to do with chiefs.

“What do I have to do with chiefs? Mayom has had its chiefs long ago,” he said. “I have nothing to do with chiefs because they are not soldiers. It is just a lie.”