Self-styled Col. Colonel Philip Omon Bartholomew who leads the rebel group People`s Freedom Movement (PFM). (Courtesy photo)

SSPDF: No People`s Freedom Movement rebels in W. Equatoria

South Sudan`s People`s Defence Forces (SSPDF) on Monday refuted claims about the existence of the rebel group People`s Freedom Movement (PFM) in Western Equatoria State.

The PFM was formed a few months ago and is led by comedian turned rebel, self-styled Colonel Philip Omon Bartholomew, who used to go by the stage name Fell Free.

Last week, at least one SSPDF soldier was killed and four other people injured in three separate incidences in Yambio, the capital of Western Equatoria State. PFM claimed responsibility for the attacks.  

However, the SSPDF has categorically denied the presence of PFM in the area, saying the rebel group is just trying to acquire clout, and public attention and gain popularity through the media.

SSPDF Spokesperson Maj. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang told Radio Tamazuj Monday that the incidences in Yambio last week were not in any way related and rubbished the claims by PFM.

“These reported incidences took place two weeks ago towards the end of August. There was a Sudan People`s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) officer who had killed an SSPDF soldier in cold blood and was hiding in different neighborhoods within Yambio,” he explained. “The SPLA-IO leadership was then contacted on that matter and they cooperated and arrested the prime suspect. On the day that he was being arrested, some unknown armed men attacked some people at the Masia Market in the evening, they opened fire and wounded four people, two civilians, and two SSPDF soldiers. The culprits are still at large.”

Gen. Ruai added: “The command in the area decided to do some gun searches at night and they were able to recover 41 guns, so, Feel Free (Omon) was not involved and does not have forces in Western Equatoria.”

The military mouthpiece said he has seen on the rebel group’s website that they have forces all over the country but repudiated it as a lie.

“We came out clearly saying those incidences were totally different cases and the one who caused it all was arrested,” Ruai stated.

He clarified that another violent incident that happened in the Masia Market in Yambio was perpetrated by armed men who are not linked to any armed group in Western Equatoria, reiterating that the only rebel group that is known in the area is SPLA-IO and they have not had any armed confrontation with the SSPDF lately.

“Initially, there were a lot of tribal clashes between the Azande and Balanda but after disarmament was carried out in Western Equatoria and a lot of forces were deployed, that fighting stopped and even the displaced people started to return home. If you can remember, last year there was a lot of insecurity there and they were purely tribal clashes but everything was brought under control,” Ruai said. “Feel Free wants to be in the news for reasons and for some incidences that he was not responsible for. I think he just wants to be known and trying to portray himself as a rebel leader with a very big following all over the country which is not true.”

“The only rebel leader who has a presence of fighters is Gen. Thomas Cirillo who has fighters in Central Equatoria and parts of Western Equatoria, especially around the Mundri area and the rest are just rebels in neighboring countries who have no armed followers here,” Gen Ruai concluded.