SSPDF, civilian clashes leave 3 dead in Ikotos County

Clashes between SSPDF soldiers and civilians in Ikotos County in Eastern Equatoria State on Sunday left three people dead, two injured and the population seeking safety at the local Catholic Church parish and in bushes, local officials said.

Clashes between SSPDF soldiers and civilians in Ikotos County in Eastern Equatoria State on Sunday left three people dead, two injured and the population seeking safety at the local Catholic Church parish and in bushes, local officials said.

Odongi Joseph, the Paramount Chief of Ikotos County who said he was in hiding, told Radio Tamazuj that the fighting started in the Hai Turuju residential area when some civilians had an altercation with some soldiers at a drinking joint resulting in the death of a soldier.

“Yesterday (Sunday), the fighting happened in a drinking place in a residential area called Hai Turuju when one soldier was shot dead,” he explained. “When other soldiers went to see what had happened, they got one of their colleagues killed and they began to shoot at the civilians leaving three dead. The situation is still worsening.”

Chief Odongi said the SSPDF base commander in Ikotos resisted the request from the county commissioner to withdraw the soldiers from the center of the town.

“When the commissioner tried to order the base commander to withdraw the forces, the commander aired bad words to the commissioner and told him to also get prepared and said he was not listening to the commissioner anymore,” Odongi said. “I think they also have an issue between them.”

“Right now the commissioner is out (of town) in fear for his life and I am also away because we were targeted for reason,” he added.

The chief appealed to the state authorities to intervene in resolving the problem and protecting the civilians.

The commissioner of Ikotos County, Joseph Loholong Jenisio, confirmed the incident and said heavy weapons such as Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG) were used during the fighting. He said he was threatened by the SSPDF base commander and had to move to another compound for safety.

“There was a shooting in Hai Turuju and I immediately talked to the inspector of police and director of wildlife. I asked them to go and verify what the problem was. Before they even reached there, I heard the sound of an RBG and exchange of bullets,” he narrated.

“I called the SSPDF commander and ordered him to withdraw to the barrack so that we can follow up on the matter. He told me that he is not going to withdraw any soldier and that I should also be ready,” he added. “There is still shooting all over and I was informed by the security organs to shift, which is why I shifted to the compound.”

Ohisa Abraham, the youth leader in Ikotos County, said the heavy fighting forced displaced many people who are sheltering at the Catholic Church.

“There were gunshots and we started running from the funeral place and up to now people are running up and down and it is very difficult to go up to the center,” he said. “People are now running to the side of the schools and the parish for safety.”

Grace Abalang, a female member of the national assembly representing Ikotos County, condemned the fighting and urged the soldiers and civilians to dialogue.

“Three people have been killed and two injured. This incident is very unfortunate and should not continue,” she said. “I am calling on our civilians and the army in Ikotos to stop and dialogue. Let us bring peace because the role of soldiers is to protect civilians and their properties and the civilians should respect the government.”