SSP 7,390,900 stolen from Randit Money Transfer in Wunrok

The manager of Randit Money Transfer Limited, Athian Chan Athian, has reported a theft of 7,390,900 South Sudanese Pounds over the weekend at the Wunrok Payam branch in Twic County, Warrap State.

The manager of Randit Money Transfer Limited, Athian Chan Athian, has reported a theft of 7,390,900 South Sudanese Pounds over the weekend at the Wunrok Payam branch in Twic County, Warrap State.

According to Athian Chan Athian, the incident occurred over the weekend, and the security personnel who usually slept at the branch have been apprehended.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday, Chan said: “What happened was that the police, who used to sleep there, didn’t stay at the gate on January 6, 2024, as we usually close at 5 o’clock in the evening and reopen at 7 o’clock in the morning. When we arrived on the 6th of this month, we found that the roof had been cut off, and SSP 739,900 was missing from our cash. The police officer who used to sleep there was not present at the time.”

He added, “The policeman was not present at that time, so another policeman apprehended him and brought him to the Wunrok police station. During the investigation, he claimed that one of his relatives had passed away, and he went to attend the funeral. When questioned by the police in charge about why he didn’t report it to the office administration, the accused explained that it was a sudden event. He handed over the keys to the Randit Money Transfer security guard, and that’s how the confusion started.”

Chan stated that the police arrested the security guard based on suspicions raised by the public. He clarified that he attended the funeral without informing the police administration as an alternative.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Atem Deng Atem, the Director of Police for Wunrok Payam, confirmed the arrest of two suspects, both of whom are police officers.

“I was not present when the incident occurred; I was at the county police headquarters in Turalei. The theft occurred on January 6th this year, coinciding with an incident of killing at Madou village. The police officer assigned to guard Randit Money Transfer had a relative killed in the Madou incident, so he attended the funeral in Turalei, spending the night there. He entrusted the keys to Akech Aguek, another police officer who also serves as a guard at another Money Transfer agency. Importantly, neither of them informed the police administration,” he explained.

Deng disclosed that the two policemen, who served as security guards for different money transfer companies, were subsequently arrested.

“The failure of these two policemen to inform the police administration led to their arrest. The case has not been officially opened yet, given that the incident occurred over the weekend. According to the manager, SSP 7,390,900 was stolen, and the thieves gained entry by cutting the roof of the building. However, both police officers were apprehended at the Wunrok police station,” he concluded.

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