SPLM officials meet Troika over peace implementation

The SPLM secretariat on Thursday met with ambassadors of the Troika countries (United States, United Kingdom, and Norway) over the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

The SPLM secretariat on Thursday met with ambassadors of the Troika countries (United States, United Kingdom, and Norway) over the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

The three Western governments, which serve as guarantors of the revitalized peace deal, have recently expressed concern over “growing tensions” in South Sudan, and called on all parties to respect the peace agreement.

Recently, clashes erupted between the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement-In Opposition (SPLA/M-IO) in Upper Nile and Unity states.

Earlier last month, Riek Machar’s Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) announced its withdrawal from the peace monitoring body over “unprovoked” attacks on its bases by its “peace partner”.

Both sides accused each of starting the attacks. The military confrontation has deepened fissures between factions loyal to President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting in Juba, Bol Makueng, the SPLM Secretary for External Relations said: “The meeting with the ambassadors from the Troika is a very great turning point because it is the first time that we sat as brothers and we talked.”

 He added,” And we are encouraging them to tell us where we have gone wrong. So we really appreciate this meeting because the Troika ambassadors have worked hard to make sure South Sudan became a nation.”

For his part, the SPLM Secretary for Political Affairs Kuol Atem, said: “We have had a meeting with the three ambassadors of Britain, Norway and the United States of America. We talked with them on the recent tensions in the country, but I want to tell all the citizens that there is no insecurity in South Sudan.”

He added, “The good news is that First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar and his brother President Salva Kiir have talked on the matter and they will continue to talk so that our country is in peace.”