SPLM-Juba urges S. Sudan parliament to endorse transitional government

The Juba faction of South Sudan’s split ruling party the SPLM urged the national parliament to endorse an agreement laying out a design for a transitional government.

The Juba faction of South Sudan’s split ruling party the SPLM urged the national parliament to endorse an agreement laying out a design for a transitional government.

The agreement, which if implemented would create a rebel-elected prime minister position for a thirty month period, was signed by Salva Kiir and other IGAD heads of state in Addis Ababa one week ago. Riek Machar, the head of the SPLM-In Opposition faction, has not signed the agreement.

The appeal to parliament was made during an SPLM-Juba march organized by party member Jackson Abugo Gama.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Gama said that the purpose of the procession is to advocate a sustainable peace.

“Strongly, we express our total commitment and support to our president Salva Kiir in his unique and unquestionable quest in search for peaceful solution to the crisis in South Sudan,” he said. “Indeed our president is the peace lover.”

Abugo has also urged the international community to put more pressure on Machar to sign the agreement.

Government chief negotiator Nhial Deng Nhial, spokesperson Michael Makuei, and the speaker of National Assembly Manasseh Magok Rundial also attended the march.

Last week, Makuei downplayed Kiir’s role in the agreement, saying that the concession to the rebels was an IGAD decision, not an offer by the South Sudanese president.

Radio Tamazuj photo: Jackson Abugo Gama speaks to Radio Tamazuj in Juba during the procession.

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