SPLM-IO: Southern Lich governor requested withdrawal of opposition troops

Authorities of the SPLM-IO rebel group in South Sudan’s Unity State say that the recently appointed Southern Lich governor has demanded withdrawal of opposition fighters from several areas in Leer County.

Authorities of the SPLM-IO rebel group in South Sudan’s Unity State say that the recently appointed Southern Lich governor has demanded withdrawal of opposition fighters from several areas in Leer County.

SPLA-IO secretary-general in Unity State James Yoach told Radio Tamazuj by Thuraya phone that the government-appointed governor of Southern Lich State Takeer Riek Dong sent a letter to the armed opposition leadership requesting withdrawal of their troops from certain areas by 29 February.

He pointed out that the governor requested for the withdrawal of opposition forces from Biliny, Damdam, Thonyor and Adok areas. The mentioned areas are controlled by SPLA-IO, while SPLA itself has forces only in Leer town.

James accused the state governor of preparing to attack their positions in those areas. He added that the opposition forces have been controlling those areas since December 2013.

The senior opposition member stressed that they also reject President Salva Kiir’s decree creating 28 states in South Sudan.

For his part, Peter Makuoth Malual, Southern Lich Minister of Information denied knowledge about any letter written by the governor on the matter.

He told Radio Tamazuj that they have channels of communication with the armed opposition. Yoach said that the signed peace agreement provides for identification of cantonment areas to require transportation of opposition forces to designated positions.  

File photo: A looted hospital in Leer