SPLM-IO Sobat governor relieves ‘Malow County’ commissioner

The rebel governor of an area in South Sudan’s eastern Upper Nile State has relieved the commissioner of one of the administrative units created by the SPLM-IO, Malow Coun

The rebel governor of an area in South Sudan’s eastern Upper Nile State has relieved the commissioner of one of the administrative units created by the SPLM-IO, Malow County.

This the first time for the acting governor to relieve any political appointee since he was made acting governor. 

In a decree today he stated, “In exercise of powers bestowed upon me by the Chairman and Commander in Chief of the SPLM/SPLA Cde. Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, I Gatdoar Goat Thoan, acting governor of Sobat State do hereby relieve Peter Deng Gatluak Kuotgor from Commissionership of Malow County with effect from today the 14th day of October 2016.”

He did not explain the reasons for the move. Separately, the state secretary for information said that a new commissioner for the Malow county will be appointed soon.

File photo: SPLM/SPLA-IO leadership of Sobat State in a past photo (Nyamilepedia)