The SPLM-In Opposition sent a delegation of senior officials from its advance team in Juba to its headquarters in Pagak yesterday.
According to a Tuesday press release signed by SPLM-IO spokesperson Mabior Garang de Mabior, the delegation to Pagak will be consulting with their leadership and will return to Juba soon.
Mabior said the recalling of members of the advance team to Pagak should not be cause for alarm. He reiterated that the SPLM-In Opposition is fully committed to peace and shall not entertain a return to war.
Separately, a member of SPLM-IO advance team to Juba has alleged that National Security Services agents prevented him from boarding a plane to leave Juba. Nyagwal Ajak Dengkak, spokesperson for the Agwelek forces of Johnson Olony, alleged on his Facebook account that he was not allowed to fly out of Juba without NSS approval.
File photo: Taban Deng (left) and Angelina Teny (right) at an SPLM-IO conference in Pagak, South Sudan.