SPLM forms women leagues in 3 sectors in Magwi

The ruling SPLM party has formed women leagues in greater Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria State.

The leagues will have secretariats in Magwi, Pageri and Nimule town council. Each sector has 13 members tasked with coordinating the party activities.

The Eastern Equatoria Sate league chairperson, Hellen Orasio, said the ruling party wanted to ensure the equitable representation of women in the next government.

You have been sworn into this office to be busy, so do not lock it but work to attract more party followers, Orasio said.

“We want you to work together and do not keep quiet if you see the party going astray. Advise the leaders because, as any other human beings, they are bound to err,” she added.

Nimule league chairperson Gloria Medina Limpio appreciated the trust bestowed on her and vowed to promote the party in the bordering towns.

“The government said that we have the right to participate in public affairs in accordance with Article 16 of the constitution. We were previously not organized, but now we are and we are ready to stand with SPLM,” Limpio said.

Magwi County Commissioner and local SPLM chairperson Pole Pole Benjamin Olum said women were very important in all aspects of life. He described them as the agents of peace in the community.

“I am very happy with your commitment to the party; it is not all about giving money but in many ways like attending the meetings. You have raised our heads high in the party,” said the Commissioner.