A military team sent to investigate recent clashes in Akoka County of Upper Nile State has completed its work, according to a state official. A senior SPLA commander from the Shilluk ethnic group was recently killed in the area, reportedly after being sent to the area to look into clashes between Dinka and Shilluk youths.
The high-level delegation was sent from the military headquarters in Bilpham last week, after clashes broke out between youth of the Dinka and Shilluk ethnic groups, Radio Miraya reported yesterday.
Upper Nile State Information Minister Peter Hoth Tuach told the UN radio service that the team has returned to Juba and is expected to present their findings to the Army General Chief of Staff.
Hoth Tuach says as part of their investigations, the team met with state officials and representatives from both sides: “When they first arrived, they met the governor, H.E Simon Kun Pouch, and briefed him about their mission. After meeting the governor, they went to Akoka to meet the Akoka youth as well as the Fashoda youth – the two warring groups.”
“After completing meeting the two warring groups, they met Maj Gen Johnson Olony, so details of their meeting have not been disclosed, and they will hand over their report to the General Chief of Staff who deployed them to the area,” said the minister.
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