SPLA soldiers rape old woman in Lainya County

An old woman has been forcefully raped by soldiers in SPLA uniform, an eyewitness said.

An old woman has been forcefully raped by soldiers in SPLA uniform, an eyewitness said.

The witness who preferred anonymity told Radio Tamazuj that the incident occurred in Kenyi Payam of Lainya County on Thursday when armed SPLA soldiers ordered two local women to show them a road where to pass and later raped one woman.

The other escaped into the bush. The soldiers responded by shooting into the air forcing hundreds of the area residents into the bushes.

He added that the raped woman has not received medical treatment. The eyewitness also said that soldiers have also been looting people’s properties in the area.

According to the source, citizens want soldiers to withdraw from the area to enable the civil population to stay in peace: “We don’t have rest in the area that is why we are calling on the government to take away the soldiers from the area.”

Separately, a local official confirmed that he received a report on the case of the woman. He says he is in contact with the army commander to fish out the perpetrator and face the law.

“We have received this report and I am currently coordinating with area army commander to ensure that these soldiers are brought to books of law,” said the official.

Recently SPLA troops have denied UN peacekeepers access to the Lainya area. The mission said in a statement this week that it wanted to send a patrol to the area to investigate the site of a reported ambush.

Map (above): Lainya is located on the road between Yei and Juba in Central Equatoria State

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