SPLA soldiers block renovation of looted school

SPLA soldiers in Juba have blocked a school from renovating its roof after the school was completely looted during the events in Juba last month, according to parents of school pupils.

SPLA soldiers in Juba have blocked a school from renovating its roof after the school was completely looted during the events in Juba last month, according to parents of school pupils.

The school which in the past had nearly 1500 pupils is now only registered with about 400 pupils, a source said. Many residents of Juba have left the city since the fighting there last month, resulting in a decline in population and school attendance, especially in some parts of the city that were heavily affected by fighting.

Green Hill School, which is located opposite to the former SPLA-IO base in the western part of Juba, was completed looted during or after the violence that began 8 July in Juba between SPLA and SPLA-IO troops.

The looters who were in SPLA uniforms looted the school and stole all plastic chairs, forms, tables and cupboards, sources said. Green Hill resumed on Monday but with fewer pupils.

Local sources said that SPLA soldiers are still monitoring the school to prevent any new renovation, though it is not clear why.

File photo: SPLA soldiers