SPLA shut down supply route to Malakal protection site

Sources inside the UN ‘Protection of Civilians’ site in Malakal town of Upper Nile state said the SPLA have closed the route to Wau Shilluk on the opposite bank of the river amid rising prices of consumer goods inside the site.

Sources inside the UN ‘Protection of Civilians’ site in Malakal town of Upper Nile state said the SPLA have closed the route to Wau Shilluk on the opposite bank of the river amid rising prices of consumer goods inside the site.

The sources blamed the closure of the road linking the protection site with Wau Shilluk area on the western bank of the Nile by the government forces in Malakal, saying traders in Wau Shilluk used to supply people in Malakal PoC with some goods.

Aban Yor, an elder from the PoC site told Radio Tamazuj yesterday that the price of one bottle of cooking oil has reached 90 SSP instead of 20 SSP, while one kilo of cow meat has reached 80 SSP instead of 50 SSP.

“The situation is very difficult because the SPLA have closed the road to Wau Shilluk,” Yor complained.