SPLA recaptures Bentiu

South Sudan’s army (SPLA) entered Bentiu by midday on Friday after the defected army troops, led by James Koang left the town on Thursday.

South Sudan’s army (SPLA) entered Bentiu by midday on Friday after the defected army troops, led by James Koang left the town on Thursday.

Koang’s force loyal to former vice president Riek Machar experienced internal clashes yesterday amid much confusion in Rubkona and Bentiu as more civilians fled.

Until early afternoon on Friday fighting between the defectors and the army was ongoing in Kilo 13 nearby Bentiu. Meanwhile, inside the city there was relative quiet and a tank parked there by the defectors for the defense of the city was never used.

Within the UNMISS base in Rubkona there were brawls between Nuer and Dinka residents who both sought shelter from the armed clashes outside.   

Many people sheltering in the UNMISS compound also celebrated the arrival of the SPLA forces, shouting and dancing. According to a trader in the camp, one dancing man even died of overexcitement.

Among the people there are officials loyal to President Salva Kiir and others to Riek Machar. A witness in the base said at 10:00 a.m. some soldiers loyal to Riek Machar were killed near the UNMISS compound. While they running to reach the base entrance, SPLA troops shot at least three of them. They died near the gates.

Since rumors of the approach of SPLA on Wednesday evening and Thursday, Bentiu has seen huge numbers of people fleeing the city. 

Several people speaking to Radio Tamazuj yesterday witnessed a fire at the weapons store in the vicinity of the army barracks followed by explosions, apparently caused by fighting within the defected force.

Company offices, two bank buildings, and many shops in Bentiu town were looted yesterday while soldiers from the 4th Division were seen shooting in the air.