SPLA-N rebels attack Sudan army position in South Kordofan

The SPLA-North rebels announced on Thursday they attacked and defeated government soldiers in Haluf garrison in Sudan’s South Kordofan state.

The SPLA-North rebels announced on Thursday they attacked and defeated government soldiers in Haluf garrison in Sudan’s South Kordofan state.

SPLA-N spokesperson Arno Ngutulu Lodi told Radio Tamazuj that their forces managed to defeat the government forces in Haluf base on Wednesday. He noted that the SPLA-N forces seized a large quantity of ammunition and military equipment.

“On 6 Aril at around 6:00 pm, the SPLA in the Nuba Mountains attacked the base of the Mehwar forces that were stationed in Al-Azraq at Jebel Haluf,” said Arnu. 

“The base was totally destroyed, and the SPLA-N managed to destroy four tanks, two trucks loaded with food items and also destroyed military equipment,” he said.

Arnu claimed they killed several government soldiers and that five SPLA-N soldiers were wounded in battles. 

Radio Tamazuj was unable to independently verify his claims. 

File photo: Troji battlefield in South Kordofan, near the border with South Sudan, 9 January 2014 (Radio Tamazuj)