SPLA-N claims attack on Sudan army position in Blue Nile

The Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLM-N) said they attacked an army garrison in Bau Locality in Sudan’s Blue Nile State on Saturday.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLM-N) said they attacked an army garrison in Bau Locality in Sudan’s Blue Nile State on Saturday.

Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, the SPLM-N military spokesman, announced in a statement that the SPLM-N second front in Blue Nile State raided El Gabanit garrison, 45 km southwest of Damazin on Saturday morning.

He claimed that they inflicted heavy losses on the government soldiers in terms of life and properties during the attack. Arnu claimed that eight SAF soldiers were killed on the spot. He also admitted that four SPLA-North soldiers were killed during the clashes.

The rebel spokesman added they also seized a large quantity of weapons and ammunition after the government soldiers fled toward Damazin.

Lodi stressed that the SPLA-North will continue to destroy the capacity of the government forces in support of the anti-elections ‘Leave’ Campaign being carried out by the opposition political parties.

For his part, Tariq Abdel Majid, a member of the “Sudan Appeal” opposition parties which intend to boycott the April elections said the ongoing military operation being carried out by the SPLA-North is in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile region is not part of the Leave Campaign.

The SPLA-North’s claim to be supporting an opposition boycott campaign following a fight in South Kordofan last week prompted a criminal court in Khartoum to adopt it as evidence to charge the head of the Sudanese opposition National Consensus Forces Farouk Abu Issa and Sudan Human Rights Monitor President Amin Mekki Madeni, who are still in detention in Khartoum.