CTSAMVM Chairperson Maj. Gen. Hailu Gonfa Eddosa (L) and Chief of Staff Arve H. Lauritzen (R). (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

SPLA-IO complains of segregation of unified forces as CTSAMVM faults SSPDF of killing civilians

The Sudan People`s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPM-IO) on Wednesday complained of segregation in service delivery to members of the unified forces who have been deployed.

The Sudan People`s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPM-IO) on Wednesday complained of segregation in service delivery to members of the unified forces who have been deployed.

Speaking during a Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) Technical Committee meeting held at Beijing Hotel in Juba, SPLA-IO representative, Maj. Gen. Andrea Mungu raised a concern that the unified forces who have been deployed are being referred to by the names of the different armed groups they came from. He also said that the distribution of food and other services is segregated.

“When food is taken from the stores in Juba to where unified forces are deployed, they are labeled (SPLM/A-IO), SSOA or SPLM-in Government. Even uniforms are distributed in the same manner and at the training centers which means that we do not have unified forces up to now,” he stated. “The forces that are not yet in the system but were unified, are not getting any salaries yet others receive pay.  This means that this unified force is just a fake name given to them.”

Gen. Mungu added: “When the forces are unified, it means everything should be equal and without segregation.”

He urged the peace partners to expedite the implementation of the security arrangements and deployment of the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF) who are still in training centers as the country gears towards elections.

The SPLA-IO officer also accused the governor of Unity State of violating the security arrangements, stressing that it was a sign of unwillingness to implement the agreement. 

“Now the man (Unity State Governor Joseph Monytuil) is leading a war against SPLA-IO in the cantonment sites, especially in Gol and Barkor in Unity State,” Gen. Mungu charged. “These two areas of IO are under war by the governor. Although people change allegiances, there is no need to arrest and torture our forces or civilians in our areas of control. The civilians in our areas of control have nothing to do with the SPLA-IO. They are just there surviving.”

For his part, Maj. Gen. Rabi Emmanuel Mujung, the SSPDF representative on the CTSAMVM Technical Committee, said they are disappointed and not happy with the security situation in Unity State among other incidents.

“We would like to assure you that the SSPDF command will investigate the incidents or insecurity caused by Lt. Gen Simon Maguek and what is happening in Unity State and other places. We will form investigation committees to go and find out exactly what happened and as usual measures will also be taken against the perpetrators,” he said. “We are also disappointed with the actions of those who change allegiance even if it is a personal right. We do not expect you to cause problems when you change allegiance because it is a violation.”

“We urge CTSAMVM to verify all incidences of violations and we will also contribute to making recommendations to the appropriate authorities to take action,” Gen. Mujung added.

Meanwhile, CTSAMCM Chairperson Maj. Gen. Hailu Gonfa Eddosa expressed concern about the situation in Unity State where tensions between the SSPDF and SPLA-IO increased since the defection of Lt. Gen. Simon Maguek last October which led to violence in Leer County last November.

He said there was a fatal incident on 29 January in Rubkona County which CTSAMVM is investigating, stressing that it is important that in the meantime the Parties refrain from inflammatory accusations which could raise tensions further.

“One of the more serious of these allegations concerned the actions of some SSPDF units during a disarmament exercise in Gondokoro,” he stated.

According to Gen. Gonfa, it is encouraging that some unified forces have been deployed, although far fewer than expected.

“It has been made clear that Phase 1 deployment of the NUF is complete, but only a proportion of the total number of Phase 1 army graduates has been involved,” he clarified. “Graduates from the other security services have yet to be deployed and remain in training centers. So far, no orders have been given for Phase 2 training and deployment.”

The Mechanism’s chief also said that they are concerned about the killing of civilians by the SSPDF who he urged to refrain from such actions.

“CTSAMVM is concerned that one of the reports we will discuss today concerns another killing of unarmed civilians by SSPDF soldiers. Four out of the nine reports we discussed at the last meeting concerned similar incidents. The SSPDF must review the training of its soldiers and take action to stop these tragic occurrences,” he detailed. “Another report illustrates the problems caused by changes of allegiance, specifically the arrest of SPLA-IO personnel and the clash at Kaigai in Unity State following the change of allegiance of Lieutenant General Simon Maguek.”

“The SSPDF must take full responsibility for all forces which are aligned with it and they should be cantoned and kept under control,” Gen. Gonfa stressed.