SPLA factions trade accusations over imminent attacks

The two warring parties in South Sudan, the SPLA in government and the SPLA in opposition, earlier this week accused each other of preparing to carry out attacks in Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei States.

The two warring parties in South Sudan, the SPLA in government and the SPLA in opposition, earlier this week accused each other of preparing to carry out attacks in Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei States.

Philip Aguer, the spokesman of the SPLA faction, accused the SPLA-IO of preparing for offensives on their positions in various areas under their control.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Aguer said: “Our forces are observing the activities of the rebels in the states. So they are now preparing to wage fresh attacks on our positions.”

Aguer confirmed his government’s commitment to respect the cessation of hostilities agreement. However, he said they are ready to fight for self-defence if the rebels started new attacks.

Meanwhile, SPLA-IO assistant deputy military spokesman Dickson Gatkuoth accused the government forces of planning to attack them around Bnetiu town.

“The people of South Sudan and the international community should know that the Juba government is currently preparing for major offensives on our positions,” he said.

Gatkuoth said they would shell the government positions to preempt the alleged offensive and urged citizens to leave.