SPLA accuses opposition fighters of attacks near Uror

A group of SPLA-IO forces and allied local militias attacked government positions at Pajut area near Uror County in South Sudan’s Jonglei State on Friday morning, a spokesperson of the government army said.

A group of SPLA-IO forces and allied local militias attacked government positions at Pajut area near Uror County in South Sudan’s Jonglei State on Friday morning, a spokesperson of the government army said.

Lul Ruai Koang, spokesman of the SPLA in Juba, told Radio Tamazuj that the SPLA-IO fighters commanded by James Utong had attacked their positions at Pajut area, but they were repulsed.

“Around 4:00 am, a big force of the SPLA-IO force commanded by James Utong Liek and his deputy Peter Wal Nyak as well as the white army, they attacked Pajut area three times, but they failed, we managed to repulse them” said Lul.

The army spokesman did not give further details about the alleged attack.

Pajut area is a disputed territory, which lies on the border between the Dinka tribe of Duk County and Uror County of Lou Nuer tribe before the South Sudan Civil War erupted in December 2013.